Google usando IA para fornecer respostas de pesquisa em teste no Reino Unido
Some users will get AI-generated ‘overviews’ in their Google search results when they ask questions.
Aplicativos do WhatsApp, Instagram e Facebook são afetados por interrupção
Services have been restored after users of Meta platforms reported problems on Wednesday.
Amazon: Gigante da tecnologia corta centenas de empregos na unidade de computação em nuvem
Amazon Web Services represents 14% of the firm’s overall revenue but the firm is shifting strategies.
Google busca opção de paywall com IA – relatório
Search giant is reportedly considering charging for premium features in a major shake-up.
Ucrânia concede prêmio a vigilantes estrangeiros por ataques cibernéticos à Rússia
The foreign hackers had stolen data from Russian military firms and hacked cameras to spy on troops.
O Truth Social resolverá os problemas financeiros de Donald Trump?
Trump Media lost nearly $60m last year. So how is it worth billions? We explain the ex-president’s windfall.
Billie Eilish e Nicki Minaj querem parar a IA musical ‘predatória’
In an open letter, also signed by Katy Perry, the artists said AI was being used to steal their voices.
Segurança da IA: Reino Unido e Estados Unidos assinam acordo histórico
The new agreement will see the countries pool knowledge and resources to strengthen safety testing of AI models