Autor: admin2
A IA pode ajudar a resolver a escassez de mão de obra no Japão?
Japan is seeing if artificial intelligence can tackle its increasing shortfall of workers.
Netflix: Lucros disparam após repressão ao compartilhamento de senhas
The streaming giant said it added 9.3 million subscribers in the first three months of the year.
O dono do TikTok pode se dar ao luxo de perder seu aplicativo matador?
Sell or be banned – TikTok’s US operations, by some estimates, could fetch up to $100bn.
Ofcom: Quase um quarto das crianças de 5 a 7 anos possuem smartphones
The regulator calls the data a “wake up call”, and says parents and industry need to do more.
Por que é difícil conter a inundação de medicamentos fabricados na China
Thousands of Chinese companies are making synthetic opioids and shipping them around the world.
‘IA me ajuda a produzir vinho para consumidores mais jovens’
The winemakers using artificial intelligence to help them grow grapes and blend their wines.
Atualização ‘beta’ da Apple aborda a controvérsia do emoji de Jerusalém
A new software update stops the Palestinian flag emoji appearing when iPhone users type “Jerusalem”.
O desafio de atualizar as icônicas janelas de aço
Critall windows date back to the 1880s but their steel construction makes them vulnerable to damp.